
We Arew The In Crowd T-shirt competition

The UK merchandise store Pulp has teamed up with We Are The In Crowd to run a competition to design a t-shirt for the band to print and be available over the UK in a chain of Pulp stores. Pulp select 5 designs for the final, and the other designs go up for voting on their facebook page to make the last 5 finalists from the highest voted designs. The band will then choose the winning design later this month.
The idea behind my design was to create an illustration of a totem pole built up from the band members and their instruments. The design was limited to 4 colours to be printed onto a coloured t-shirt.
I was very pleased to find out that Pulp selected my design as one of the top 5 to go through to the final! The remaining designs are up for voting and the overall winner will be selected by the band by mid August. Fingers crossed!

Movie Poster project

Having finished my course until September i decided to think of an ongoing project that i can keep adding new work to over a long period of time. I decided to create a set of minimalist movie posters in Illustrator and Photoshop. Above are the first few posters of the ongoing project, keep an eye out on my Facebook Graphics page for more coming soon!

Boyce Avenue + Tyler Hilton 18/06/12

Back in June i shot for Boyce Avenue and Tyler Hilton at Leeds Academy for a review over on Est.1987. Above are a few shots from the show, check out the links below for the reviews, and interview with Tyler Hilton via Est.1987.

Boyce Avenue Review;

Tyler Hilton interview and review;

Leeds Festival 2012 illustration poster

This was a poster design for Leeds Festival 2012  that was drawn out and designed in Illustrator and put together in Photoshop. The poster was for an ongoing competition with Leeds festival at which you had to create a poster showing what the festival meant to you.

York Urban Typography - Editorial Project



For my final Year 2 project i needed to create a book that consists of urban typography. My idea was to locate several areas around my home town and create a book showing each area with the typography found their, with a brief description of the areas to cover the 500+ words required by the project brief in the book.
To see the full book follow the link below to my graphic design facebook page;


Likely Lads 2012 Tour poster

I have previously work with Likely Lads for a long time, but this was the fist official UK tour poster i have designed for them. The tour poster was designed with the intention to be simple, eye catching and represent the bands image.


We Are The In Crowd - Leeds Cockpit 24/04/12

Last week i got the chance to do photography at Leeds Cockpit for one of my favorite bands We Are The In Crowd. Having been asked to do a write up about it to go with the photos i thought it would be a good opportunity to get some editorial design practice by designing a magazine type double page review of the show. Above are the photographs from the show alongside the review i wrote up and put together.


Angels and Airwaves - Leeds Academy 12/04/12

The San Diego quartet, Angels and Airwaves hit Leeds Academy as part of their six date UK tour with their alternative rock and sci-fi light show with the intent to impress, and they did just that.
You can check out some of my photography from the show alongside a review from Leeds Academy over on Est.1987 here;

Le Blorr - Leeds Academy 12/04/12

Currently supporting Angels and Airwaves on their April tour, Le Blorr are making a name for themselves over in the UK. Est.1987 had an in depth interview with the band, which also features some of my photography from the show in Leeds Academy. You can check it out over on Est.1987 here; http://www.est1987.co.uk/2012/04/future-talent-5-le-blorr-interview.html


Yashin - York Fibbers 14/03/12

Back on the 14th March i went down to York Fibbers to take a few shots of an up and coming band called Yashin for a review. With no barrier in the venue i had to work my way through the crowd to get the shots which was difficult to say the least, but none the less i had a blast and i look forward to getting some more opportunities like this to get some live shots. It was quite an energetic gig and they are definitely a band to watch out for in the future.
You can check out the review over at Est.1987 through the link below;


Guitar Lighting Project

For my final project for my Photography NCFE course, i decided to take a shot of my guitar and add some creative lighting effects to it in Photoshop using multiple techniques and images. The idea came from creating a visual representation of music through the guitar using bright colours and movement.

York Night Photography


 Having come to the end of my Photography course i have been taking over the past 13 weeks, i decided to get out and take some night photography of York experimenting with slow shutter speeds and capturing some night trails and colourful sky and cityscape images. Here are a few photos from my trips out into the night!

These City Walls Project

Another Local band i have enjoyed working with are These City Walls. Here are a few pieces of design work i have done with them for their logo, gig poster and i tunes single cover.
You can check them out over on facebook at; www.facebook.com/thesecitywalls